Total Awarded
1989 - 2006
In support of the State Health Care Reform and System Transformation Program, and the Advocacy Training and Technical Assistance Program (over three years).
In support of the State Health Care Reform Advocacy Training and Technical Assistance Program and the Justice for Juveniles Program (over three years).
For a project to improve community responses to trauma, grief, and related mental health needs and the coordination of services to meet those needs.
To support the Health Care Reform Advocacy Training Program and the Mental Health Services for Juvenile Offenders Program (over three years).
To evaluate a healthcare reform initiative.
To train mental health consumers, providers, and advocates in 17 states about managed care and the effect of privatization on public system mental health services (over three years).
To develop the capacity of the state and local affiliate network to participate in state healthcare reform.
To support the publication and dissimination of the report "Inching Forward: A Report on Progress Made in Federal Mental Health Policy in the 1980s."
To support a congressional conference on mental health of children and adolescents.