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Media Impact Funders, Inc.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


2024 (1 year)

Media Impact Funders (MIF) is a membership organization of journalism, media, and democracy funders. MIF conducts research that supports media philanthropy, promotes peer-to-peer learning, and convenes twice annual gatherings to advance the work of media funders. This grant provides support for the planning and professional development activities of a new Executive Director.

2023 (1 year)

Media Impact Funders is a nonprofit organization that serves as the affinity group for foundations and individuals supporting media and journalism. It is partnering with the AP-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research at the University of Chicago and the Lenfest Institute for Journalism to create a comprehensive survey of the journalism field and journalism funders that will provide data-driven insights and findings with the goal of informing and increasing the practice of philanthropic giving for journalism.

2023 (3 years)

Media Impact Funders (MIF) is an affinity group for funders of journalism and media. It supports foundations and individual funders with research, convenings, and networking. MacArthur funds provide general operating support, enabling MIF to flexibly build its capacity to support many types of funders in exploring the developments in the field, and possibilities for collaboration and learning.

2021 (2 years)

Media Impact Funders (MIF) is a nonprofit membership organization for foundations and grantmakers supporting journalism and nonfiction media. It organizes and hosts informational and networking events each year and commissions research on topics, including funding trends in the field and how funders are measuring the impact of media. This grant supports general operations. The intended outcomes of these activities are a stronger and more connected field of media funders, better positioned to collaborate and expand their knowledge of the field.

2016 (5 years)

Media Impact Funders (MIF) is a nonprofit affinity group for grantmakers working to advance the field of public interest media funding. MIF organizes and hosts a series of informational and networking events each year, and conducts research on measuring the impact of media. Other funder affinity groups, including those focused on health and income security, are increasingly turning to Media Impact Funders for guidance on how to inform their members about the use of media for social impact goals. This grant supports general operations of Media Impact Funders.

2013 (3 years)

Media Impact Funders (formerly Grantmakers in Film and Electronic Media) is a nonprofit affinity group for grantmakers committed to advancing the field of media arts and public interest media funding. Its goal is to help individual and institutional funders recognize the role that media can play in advancing programmatic and policy goals, promoting democratic values, and educating the public.

2010 (3 years)

In support of general operations (over three years).

2007 (3 years)

In support of educational activities (over three years).

2004 (3 years)

In support of educational activities related to media grantmaking (over three years).

2002 (1 year)

To support a panel event during the Council on Foundations conference.

2001 (2 years)

To support educational activities related to media grantmaking and a guidebook on the funding of media projects (over two years).

2000 (1 year)

To support a working group of grantmakers in film and electronic media.