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Lucky Plush Productions

Chicago, Illinois


2015 (4 years)

Lucky Plush Productions is an ensemble that combines dance and theater to engage with audiences in new ways. It has a national reputation for its complex choreography and its commentary on culture. Its approach to both its artistic work and its organizational structure emphasizes its creativity; it collaborates widely with performance arts groups and presenters; and it consistently hires and collaborates with the city’s most highly sought-after talent. A MacArthur Award recognizes organizations that have impactful programs, that are well-managed, and that are at an inflection point, where they are likely to grow either in size or influence. Lucky Plush Productions will allocate most of the Award to its reserve fund; a smaller portion will be used for new technology and marketing.

2015 (2 years)

Lucky Plush Productions is an ensemble-based performance arts company that creates and performs pieces combining dance and theater. Its work addresses contemporary themes and strives to be both entertaining and serious. This funding is recommended in support of Lucky Plush's exchange with Cuba's Danza Retazos, a contemporary dance ensemble focused on international collaboration and emerging Cuban artists. Through this exchange, the groups will collaborate on a new work combining dance and theater to be performed in Chicago and Cuba. This grant funds direct project costs: travel, accommodations, administration, marketing, and artist fees. It is recommended as part of the International Connections Fund.

2011 (1 year)

Lucky Plush is a small dance theatre company that creates ensemble-based work with complex choreography, innovative use of technology, and modern day themes. This grant will support travel, artist fees, and equipment/space rental for two original commissions, performances and workshops between Lucky Plush and three dance organizations in New Zealand: Unitech Institution of Technology (Auckland), New Zealand School of Dance (Wellington), and Southern Lights Dance Company (Christchurch).