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Little Village Environmental Justice Organization

Chicago, Illinois


2023 (2 years)

Chicago Frontlines Funding Initiative

This award renews flexible project support to the Chicago Frontline Funding Initiative (CFFI), which is a fiscally sponsored project of Little Village Environmental Justice Organization (LVEJO). The mission of LVEJO is to organize and accomplish environmental justice in Little Village, and achieve the self-determination of immigrant, low-income, and working-class families. CFFI works to equitably resource the capacity building goals of the frontline Environmental Justice (EJ) community in Chicago. Two years of renewed flexible project support resources existing and emerging EJ organizations in Chicago, bolsters legal support for Network members through funding to the Greater Chicago Legal Clinic, and supports ongoing capacity building efforts.

2022 (1 year)

Chicago Environmental Justice Network

The Little Village Environmental Justice Organization is one of five neighborhood-based groups that comprise the Chicago Environmental Justice Network (Network). The other members are Blacks in Green, Neighbors for Environmental Justice, People for Community Recovery, and Southeast Environmental Taskforce. Each member organization is led by, rooted in, and accountable to communities of color directly impacted by environmental harms. This X-Grant award is to support the professional development of non-executive level staff at the Network's member organizations.

2020 (2 years)

Chicago Environmental Justice Network

The Little Village Environmental Justice Organization is one of six neighborhood-based groups that comprise the Chicago Environmental Justice Network (Network). The other members are Blacks in Green, Ixchel, Neighbors for Environmental Justice, People for Community Recovery, and Southeast Environmental Taskforce. Each member organization is led by, rooted in, and accountable to communities of color directly impacted by environmental harms. The Network members collectively monitor environmental concerns, share organizing strategies, develop city and state policy positions, and collaborate on fundraising and research opportunities. The award builds the Network member organizations’ advocacy, policy, and management capacities.