Total Awarded
2012 - 2015
Kennesaw State University is the home of the Center for Sustainable Journalism, which operates the Juvenile Justice Information Exchange, a website offering news and commentary on juvenile justice issues. This award enables the Center to continue to host and maintain the Juvenile Justice Resource Hub portion of the website, supplementing the Center’s news coverage with comprehensive information on juvenile justice reform trends and developments in issue areas central to the Models for Change initiative, while transitioning permanent Resource Hub oversight and updating responsibilities to Kennesaw State University. This ensures that, as the Foundation’s direct investments in juvenile justice system reform come to an end, the Resource Hub will continue to provide agents of change with vital information and serve as a means of capitalizing on Models for Change reform progress to stimulate a wave of juvenile justice reform nationally.
The Kennesaw State University Research and Service Foundation is the fiscal agent for the Center for Sustainable Journalism, which is dedicated to ensuring the future of high-quality professional journalism. The Center, which operates a juvenile justice news website, the Juvenile Justice Information Exchange, will use this grant to maintain and expand an on-line Resource Hub to provide information and resources on juvenile justice reform, highlight Models for Change reform progress, and help ensure that this progress contributes to a broader wave of juvenile justice reform nationally.
The Kennesaw State University Research and Service Foundation is the fiscal agent for the Center for Sustainable Journalism, which is dedicated to ensuring the future of high-quality professional journalism. The Center will use this grant to develop an online hub for information and resources on juvenile justice reform, and incorporate it into its existing juvenile justice news web site. The reform hub will feature Models for Change reform progress prominently, and will help to ensure that this progress contributes to a broader wave of juvenile justice reform nationally.