Total Awarded
2023 - 2024
The Kairos Fellowship (Kairos) was launched in 2016 to help diversify the pool of social media organizers working on national, social justice campaigns. Each year, it identifies promising online organizers of color and provides them with year-long mentoring and on-the-job training with national advocacy organizations. As the COVID-19 pandemic accelerated dependency on the internet and digital technologies to conduct our daily lives, Kairos expanded its mission to create the conditions for a more equitable and safer internet for all. It rolled out new programming to hold the large technology platforms accountable for disinformation and hate speech spread on their platforms, and it began training community groups how to identify and combat mis- and dis-information in their communities. This X-Grant provides support for a series of in-person gatherings focusing on strategic visioning as Kairos’s founder transitions out of the organization and new leadership is identified.
The Kairos Fellowship (Kairos), formerly housed at Allied Media Projects, was launched in 2016 to help diversify the pool of social media organizers working on national, social justice campaigns. Each year, it identifies promising online organizers of color and provides them with year-long mentoring and on-the-job training with national advocacy organizations. As the COVID-19 pandemic accelerated dependency on the internet and digital technologies to conduct our daily lives, Kairos expanded its mission to create the conditions for a more equitable and safer internet for all. It rolled out new programming to hold the large technology platforms accountable for disinformation and hate speech spread on their platforms, and it began training community groups how to identify and combat mis- and disinformation in their communities. This grant provides general support for Kairos to build diverse leadership in digital spaces and to expand its work to curb disinformation and hate speech online, among other activities.