Total Awarded
2002 - 2016
Investigación en Salud y Demografía (INSAD) conducts demographic research and provides technical assistance to civil society organizations. With this award, INSAD facilitates the exchange of information about the growing number of midwifery initiatives in Mexico, including real-time tracking of work; mapping gaps and opportunities; and providing a hub for materials. INSAD also provides technical assistance to civil society organizations to design and implement monitoring, evaluation, and learning systems to improve the quality of information generated through the midwifery projects.
Investigacion en Salud y Demografia (Insad) will (a) coordinate additional evaluations of specific NGOs’ work, and (b) disseminate the results of many years of evaluations on youth reproductive health and maternal health, by creating summary materials and convening a series of meetings for both government officials and civil society in order to share the findings.
To evaluate community based reproductive and sexual health initiatives and to facilitate NGO coordination in Oaxaca state (over two years).
In support of a convening and research on the use of digital technologies by civil society organizations in Mexico.
In support of preparing a model for improving the quality of public reproductive and sexual health services for youth and adolescents in Mexico and strengthening NGO skills in monitoring and evaluation (over three years).
To continue and disseminate a longitudinal survey on sexual and reproductive health of young women ages 12-19 in rural communities of Oaxaca (over 27 months).
In support of strengthening NGO skills in monitoring and evaluation of work to advance youth sexual and reproductive health and rights and decrease maternal mortality (over three years).
For a survey of the sexual and reproductive health of young people in rural Oaxacan communities.
To strengthen the monitoring and evaluation capacity of non-government organizations working in the fields of maternal mortality and morbidity and young people’s sexual and reproductive health and rights (over two years).
To assist Mexican nongovernmental organizations in developing monitoring and evaluation plans.