Total Awarded
The International Indigenous Women’s Forum (best known by its initials in Spanish, ‘FIMI’ – Foro Internacional de Mujeres Indígenas) is a network of Indigenous women leaders and human rights leaders from around the world that coordinate agendas, build capacity, and develop Indigenous women leadership in order to ensure the consistent and serious inclusion of Indigenous women’s perspectives in all discussions and decision-making regarding human rights. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, female-identifying individuals have experienced higher rates of gender-based violence, gendered poverty, unbalanced caregiving responsibilities, forced marriage, and lack of access to education. These issues are acutely existent for Indigenous women. FIMI's AYNI Fund — the first fund led by and for Indigenous women— has been responding to the immediate need for resources stemming from the pandemic and its effects. This grant provides support to the AYNI Fund.