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Interhemispheric Resource Center

Silver City, New Mexico
  • Grants
  • Total Awarded
  • Years
    1991 - 2001
  • Categories
    Human Rights


2001 (3 years)

To support the Foreign Policy in Focus project (over three years).

1998 (3 years)

To support a collaborative project with the Institute for Policy Studies to develop a new global affair agenda for the United States and mobilize consitituencies for its support (over three years).

1997 ( 9 months)

To support the project Foreign Policy in Focus.

1996 (1 year)

To support research on U.S. foreign policy, and to improve public understanding of U.S. foreign policy issues.

1994 ( 11 months)

To support policy analysis and public education activities on the impact of economic globalization in relation to U.S. foreign policy (over two years).

1993 (1 year)

To support a public education project on U.S.-Mexico relations.

1991 (1 year)

To support the United States-Mexico Project, a three-year public education project on United States-Mexico relations (over two years).