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Interfaith America

Chicago, Illinois


2021 (1 year)

Interfaith Youth Corps (IFYC) was founded by Eboo Patel in 2002 with a vision to build a society in which interfaith cooperation is the social norm. It is a national organization based in Chicago that engages with college students, faculty, and administrators with training and resources to activate and support young interfaith leaders. Using its national presence on college campuses and the results of a recently completed survey on vaccine hesitancy, IFYC will train and mobilize a network of over 2,000 Faith in Vaccine Ambassadors. A grant for general operating support would help IFYC build capacity as it develops this network of trusted messengers with culturally sensitive and accurate information about COVID-19 vaccines. By using multiple touch points and modes of interaction, the work of the ambassadors is intended to increase vaccine confidence and uptake particularly among Black and Latinx communities.