Total Awarded
2010 - 2015
Instituto de Estudios y Divulgaci6n sobre Migraci6n (INEDIM) is one of the leading research and policy advocacy organizations working on migration issues in Mexico. This project seeks to strengthen protections for temporary workers through improved recruitment standards and regulations in countries of origin. Using a study of existing international standards developed under a previous MacArthur grant as a baseline, INEDIM is working with local officials in El Salvador, Guatemala, and Mexico, with the objective that each country adopts a set of improved standards and devises plans for their implementation. Project activities include advocacy meetings with government officials, advocates, and representatives of the private sector, as well as developing action plans for implementing improved standards.
Instituto de Estudios y Divulgación sobre Migración (INEDIM), a non-profit organization located in Mexico City, will conduct research and policy analysis on temporary labor migration and recruitment in Central America and Mexico with the objectives to: 1) identify a set of international benchmarks and standards on recruitment; 2) assess national capacities in the region for implementing these standards; 3) develop a plan of action for their implementation, including mechanisms and indicators to monitor states’ compliance with these standards; and 4) negotiate their progressive adoption by governments in the region, working with the International Labor Organization and regional labor migration bodies.
To study and assess recruitment mechanisms and access to social protection benefits for temporary migrant workers in the US, Canada, Mexico and Central America (over 21 months).