Total Awarded
2019 - 2023
The mission of the Institute for Nonviolence Chicago (INVC) is to replace the cycle of violence using the principles, practices, and teachings of nonviolence. Building upon the strategies and activities that helped to reduce violence in cities like Boston, Los Angeles, and Providence, INVC began its Chicago work in 2016. INVC defines violence as learned, cyclical, and systemic in nature. It combats the cycle of violence through outreach, mediation, support, and nonviolence training; and by working with community members and leaders, social service providers, local law enforcement, and City of Chicago officials. Key beneficiaries of INVC's work include the participants of its programs, city residents, and law enforcement. INVC brings a wealth of experience from other cities that have successfully reduced gun violence and draws on these lessons learned in its Chicago violence reduction work. This award recommends general operating support to INVC.
The mission of the Institute for Nonviolence Chicago (INVC) is to replace the cycle of violence using the principles, practices, and teachings of nonviolence. Building upon the strategies and activities that helped to reduce violence in cities like Boston, Los Angeles, and Providence, INVC began its Chicago work in 2016. INVC defines violence as learned, cyclical, and systemic in nature. It combats the cycle of violence through outreach, mediation, support, and nonviolence training; and by working with community members and leaders, social service providers, local law enforcement, and City of Chicago officials. With this award for institutional support, INVC develops and executes a strategic plan for sustainability and diverse resource development and creates a cash reserve.
The mission of the Institute for Nonviolence Chicago is to replace the cycle of violence using the principles, practices, and teachings of nonviolence. Building upon the strategies and activities that helped to reduce violence in cities like Boston, Providence, and Los Angeles, the Institute for Nonviolence Chicago began its Chicago work in 2016. The Institute for Nonviolence Chicago defines violence as learned, cyclical, and systemic in nature. It combats the cycle of violence through outreach, mediation, support, and nonviolence training, working with community members and leaders, social service providers, local law enforcement, and City of Chicago officials. This award supports the Institute for Nonviolence Chicago's violence prevention and intervention activities in Chicago neighborhoods as well as its work with the Partnership for Safe and Peaceful Communities, an initiative aimed at reducing Chicago's gun violence.