Total Awarded
2006 - 2014
Indiana University’s Learning Sciences Program, housed in the School of Education, conducts research to better understand how people learn in a rapidly moving, tech-savvy world. Principal investigator Daniel Hickey, an expert in participatory approaches to assessment and motivation, has documented the digital badge projects that emerged from MacArthur’s Digital Media and Learning Badges for Life-Long Learning Competition. Dr.Hickey will use this grant to develop a suite of tools to issue open badges on the edX massive open online course (MOOC) platform that hosts a wide range of higher education courses in multiple disciplines.
In 2009, the Foundation supported Indiana University to develop a school-based curriculum that would bring together three separate Foundation-supported, game-based projects: Gamestar Mechanic, Scratch, and Quest Atlantis. The curriculum has been developed and piloted in several schools and districts. In 2014, Indiana University, in partnership with MIT Press, will use this grant to publish four volumes, entitled Interconnections, to guide educators in implementing the curriculum.
The Learning Sciences Program in Indiana University’s School of Education conducts research to better understand how people learn in a rapidly moving, tech-savvy world. Principal investigator Daniel Hickey - an expert in participatory approaches to assessment and motivation, e-learning, video gaming, and new media contexts - will use this grant to document the learning over the next year as the winners of the MacArthur-supported Badges for Life-long Learning Competition develop digital badges and the technical infrastructure to issue them; develop a theory of action for badges as they relate to Connected Learning; and assess the quality of badges developed within that theoretical context.
To conduct a business planning effort concerning the future of Quest Atlantis, an immersive online learning environment (over 18 months).
To develop a school-based curriculum based on Foundation-supported learning environments (over three years).
To analyze and support efforts to expand the immersive learning environment Quest Atlantis (over three years).
In support of an online immersive environment for young people to improve their media literacy skills and capacities (over two years).
In support of new approaches to research in digital media and learning through the design, development, and operation of a controlled study within a synthetic world.