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Bethesda, Maryland


2022 ( 6 months)

Collaborative for Frontier Finance

ImpactAssets was founded in 2010 with a mission to increase flows of capital to impact investing. In addition to other field-building activities, it manages a donor-advised fund with over $1.2 billion in assets under management. This grant supports the October 2022 Capital Mobilization meeting held by the Collaborative for Frontier Finance, a multi-stakeholder initiative sponsored by ImpactAssets that seeks to increase access to appropriate forms of capital for small and growing businesses in emerging markets by working with investors, grant funders, and others to increase and accelerate financing solutions for these businesses.

2020 (2 years)

Collaborative for Frontier Finance

ImpactAssets was founded in 2010 with a mission to increase flows of capital to impact investing. In addition to other field-building activities, it manages a donor-advised fund with over $1.2 billion in assets under management. This grant funds the Collaborative for Frontier Finance, a project sponsored by ImpactAssets that seeks to increase access to appropriate forms of capital for small and growing businesses in emerging markets by working with investors, grant funders, and others to increase and accelerate financing solutions for these businesses. The Collaborative for Frontier Finance sets a common action agenda for small and growing business finance; tests and scales promising financing models; and facilitates the flow of capital to small and growing businesses in emerging markets by co-designing and launching collaborative initiatives. The Foundation’s grant funds support CFF’s  staffing and operational budget.