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Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority

Chicago, Illinois


2018 ( 1 month)

The Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority is a state agency dedicated to improving the administration of criminal justice.  The Authority brings together key leaders from the justice system and the public to identify critical issues facing the criminal justice system in Illinois, and to propose and evaluate polices, programs, and legislation that address those issues.  The Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority (ICJIA) is hosting the Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) Conference in August 2018. The conference will be held in Springfield, IL for 600 attendees. The goal of the conference is to help service providers exchange best practices and to strengthen a statewide network of care for domestic violence survivors. The MacArthur X-Grant would go towards funding breakfast and lunch for the keynote presentations so that participants can fully enjoy the conference.

2015 ( 1 month)

An award to support ICJIA’s 2015 Partnerships & Strategies to Reduce Violent Crime conference for Illinois’ jurisdictions that have high levels of violent crime. ICJIA hosted 125 attendees at the event, including teams from eleven counties. The conference aimed to use local jurisdiction (Chicago and Peoria) success in implementing focused deterrence and procedural justice both to introduce and to get other Illinois jurisdictions interested in implementing similar national strategies designed to reduce violent crime, particularly gun crime caused by groups. These strategies include but are not limited to the following: focused deterrence; procedural justice; swift, certain, and fair supervision; and intelligence-driven prosecution. The goal of the conference was not only to persuade key jurisdictions to pursue these strategies, but to encourage thinking about the essential building blocks needed for implementation, including collaboration across law enforcement agencies, developing strong and trusting relationships with communities, and a commitment to using research and evaluation to inform implementation.