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Helsinki Citizens' Assembly

Prague, Czech Republic
  • Grants
  • Total Awarded
  • Years
    1991 - 2000
  • Categories
    Human Rights


2000 (1 year)

To support an international meeting for civic activists on Transcaucasus issues.

2000 (1 year)

To support an international meeting for civic activists on Transcaucasus issues.

1997 (2 years)

To strengthen and promote civil society throughout Europe (over two years).

1995 (2 years)

To coordinate and maintain a citizens' network that promotes civic approaches to conflict, economy and the environment, women's issues, democracy and citizenship, and a presence in high-level European policymaking institutions (over two years).

1993 (1 year)

To increase public visibility and capacity to provide technical assistance (over two years).

1991 (1 year)

To strengthen and sustain the network of civic groups working for democratization throughout Europe (over two years).

1991 (1 year)

To to strengthen and sustain the network of civic groups working for democratization throughout Europe.