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HEDA Resource Centre

Ikeja, Nigeria
  • Grants
  • Total Awarded
  • Years
    2017 - 2024
  • Categories
    On Nigeria


2024 ( 7 months)

Founded in 2001, HEDA Resource Centre is a non-governmental organization working towards an African continent where every citizen has the freedom and ability to enjoy the benefits of good governance and respect for human dignity in a sustainable environment. With this award, HEDA convenes a platform for stakeholders to review strategies for sustained engagement at national and sub-regional levels to ensure that the oil and gas sector practices are transparent and accountable to citizens regarding environmental pollution and the use of state assets across government administrations. The project improves the quality of life of ordinary citizens by reducing corruption and upholding accountability.

2023 (1 year 6 months)

Established in 1999, the Human and Environmental Development Agenda (HEDA) Resource Centre is a Nigerian nonprofit human rights and development organization. With previous awards, HEDA created and moderated the Anti-Corruption Situation Room (ACSR), a global community of practice on anti-corruption organizing and resource-tracking. HEDA worked with On Nigeria grantees and other partners to conduct independent investigations and partnered with the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) to bring attention to high-profile corruption cases, including some cold cases. The previous awards have culminated in the recovery of $78 million. With this final award, HEDA continues to convene and consolidate the gains of hosting the ACSR. It also continues to investigate, track, and advocate for the recovery of illicit assets and speedy trial of corruption cases. Similarly, HEDA partners with the University of Lagos to create a governance and anti-corruption certification for activists, journalists, and practitioners. The award is expected to contribute to On Nigeria's goal of reducing corruption and strengthening accountability, transparency, and participation. It will also enable HEDA to continue to provide leadership in the accountability and anti-corruption ecosystem after the On Nigeria program ends.

2023 ( 7 months)

Human and Environmental Development Agenda (HEDA) Resource Centre, established in 2001, is a Nigerian nonprofit promoting accountability, and responses to climate change among other issues through policy advocacy, training, and research. Its accountability work focuses on strengthening anti-corruption systems and institutions, promoting citizens’ involvement, and fostering collaboration among civic actors to hold politically exposed persons and businesses accountable and strengthen asset recovery. HEDA and partners are carrying out a series of research and documentation activities to build on Nigeria’s current anti-corruption agenda and improve upon it during the new presidential administration. This project promotes the momentum of anti-corruption and accountability in Nigeria. HEDA is coordinating the implementation of the project with the Centre for Fiscal Transparency and Integrity Watch (CeFTIW).

2022 (2 years 3 months)

Human and Environmental Development Agenda (HEDA) Resource Centre, established in 2001, is a Nigerian nonprofit promoting transparency, accountability, human rights, and a sustainable environment through research, training, advocacy, and policy engagement. Its accountability work focuses on strengthening anti-corruption systems and institutions, promoting citizens' involvement, and fostering collaboration among civic actors to hold politically exposed persons and businesses accountable and improve asset recovery. Through this final award, HEDA is educating and mobilizing the Nigerian public on anti-corruption, especially in high-profile cold corruption cases. It is training, mobilizing, and supporting Nigerians and activists in Nigeria, the United Kingdom, the United Arab Emirates, and the United States to trace and expose stolen assets of Nigerian origin. It works with anti-corruption bodies to investigate, recover, and return stolen assets and prosecute politically exposed persons. The project contributes to the Nigerian government's asset recovery and anti-corruption efforts and to On Nigeria's anti-corruption goal.

2021 ( 3 months)

Human and Environmental Development Agenda (HEDA) Resource Centre, established in 2001, is a Nigerian nonprofit promoting accountability, responses to climate change and food security, and other issues through policy advocacy, training, and research. This award supports HEDA, a current On Nigeria grantee, to use the 26th UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) in Glasgow, Scotland, in November 2021 to strengthen its anti-corruption network and address corruption in the Nigerian petrochemical sector. Ahead of COP26, HEDA convenes a national roundtable to discuss the Nigeria position on the intersection of grand corruption, asset recovery, oil and gas sector transgressions, and climate change, and to amplify the issue at home.

2020 (3 years)

Established in 1999, the Human and Environmental Development Agenda (HEDA) Resource Centre is a Nigerian nonprofit human rights and development organization. With support of a previous award, HEDA created the Anti-Corruption Situation Room (ACSR), a community of practice on anti-corruption organizing and resource-tracking both locally and globally. In this project, HEDA works with On Nigeria grantees and local and national partners to bring attention to high-profile corruption cases, including some cold cases. HEDA brings the ACSR to states, offering capacity building for civil society organizations and facilitating direct engagement with policymakers and anti-corruption agencies. HEDA advocates for the establishment of the International Anti-Corruption Court and freedom of information (FOI) principles and complements other grantees by amplifying media and journalism cohort reports. This project is implemented in coordination with other Foundation grantees, in particular those that also focus on asset recovery, whistleblowing, and use of FOI. The award is expected to strengthen the participation of marginalized voices, build community accountability practices, and contribute to a reduction in corruption.

2018 (2 years 8 months)

Human and Environmental Development Agenda (HEDA) Resource Centre, established in 2001, is a Nigerian nonprofit promoting accountability, responses to climate change and food security, and other issues through policy advocacy, training, and research. Its accountability work focuses on strengthening anti-corruption systems and institutions, promoting citizens’ involvement, and fostering collaboration among civic actors to hold politically exposed persons and businesses accountable and strengthen asset recovery. An existing Foundation award enables HEDA to bring attention to high-profile corruption cases that have languished. Through this award, HEDA is empowering and amplifying citizen voices to trace and recover Nigerian assets in Nigeria, the United Kingdom (UK), and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). HEDA is educating and mobilizing Nigerians at home and in the diaspora to use the whistleblower policy, the UK’s “Unexplained Wealth Order,” and the UAE’s “Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters between Nigeria and Dubai” program for tracing stolen assets.  The project contributes to asset recovery and anti-corruption efforts by the Nigerian government and to On Nigeria’s anti-corruption goal.

2017 (3 years 2 months)

Human Environmental Development Agenda (HEDA) is a nonprofit organization promoting citizens’ engagement in governance, and advocating for accountability in management of public resources. It is the secretariat for the Civil Society Network Against Corruption (CSNAC), a coalition of anti-corruption civil society organizations formed in 2013.  The award enables HEDA to mobilize community engagement around old and new corruption cases, and strengthen the capacity of Nigerian civil society to understand and use international mechanisms to reduce corruption. HEDA is creating a database of new and old corruption cases and carrying out a series of activities to revive interest in them. To strengthen civil society, and to keep attention to these cases alive, HEDA is convening roundtables around the United Nations Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC), and mobilizing support across Nigerian civil society for the establishment of the International Anti-Corruption Court as a mechanism to strengthen and sustain Nigeria’s commitment to fight and deter corruption. The project contributes to laying the foundation for a new atmosphere of accountability, transparency, and good governance in Nigeria by keeping citizen awareness on high-profile corruption cases.