Total Awarded
2013 - 2014
Good Pitch Chicago is a nonprofit organization created in 2013 to provide a forum in which social issue documentary filmmakers can present work-in-progress footage from their films in front of a Chicago audience. These projects are seeking financial support to complete their films, broadcast and theatrical opportunities to present the work to wide audiences, and nonprofit and community organizations that would put the documentary to good use in citizen engagement efforts. Good Pitch Chicago is organizing its next forum, slated for April 2015. This grant will support consultant costs, travel, lodging and logistics for the Good Pitch Chicago 2015.
Good Pitch is a one-day event intended to help filmmakers accelerate the financing and completion of their social issue films, find interested broadcasters and distributors willing to take their films to the public, and connect with nonprofit organizations that might find useful and strategic ways of utilizing the film for advocacy and educational purposes. Good Pitch Chicago will be the first Good Pitch event to take place in the Midwest and will give preference to Midwest-based filmmakers and films of particular relevance to the Midwest.