Total Awarded
2012 - 2016
Fulcrum Point New Music Project is a contemporary classical musical ensemble that pushes the boundaries of the musical experience through dynamic performance, artistic collaboration, and innovative programming. Fulcrum Point commissions and records new work and offers educational programs to audiences of all ages. In addition, the ensemble links immigrants with modern composers of their countries of origin and with other cultures. Fulcrum Point programs are diverse in themes and music, and its audiences are increasingly diverse in age, ethnic background, and musical interest.
With this International Connections Fund award, Fulcrum Point collaborates with a Mexican composer and an organization in Mexico that researches and educates composers and musicians about electronic music. This exchange explores how composers and musicians can use technology to alter music and engage audiences -- for example, by creating a sound installation in which sensors in the environment trigger a computer program to alter the sound of music. Fulcrum Point and its collaborators are interested in how technology can be deployed during a live performance to change the musical outcome. The collaboration produces a new multi-media performance as well as many new pieces of technology that musicians and composers can use in presenting live music. This project draws on the skills of both established and novice coders, explicitly inviting young minority coders to participate. This is Fulcrum Point’s second International Connections Fund award.
To support a musical exchange between Chicago and Indian musicians living and working in the United Kingdom.