Total Awarded
2006 - 2014
Fondo Accion (FA) is a non-profit private foundation established as a trust fund through the Enterprise for the Americas Initiative of U.S. and Colombian Governments. This grant strengthens legal, financial, and natural resource management governance structure in support of the Colombian government’s new policies for ecosystem service compensation and biodiversity offsets agreements between local authorities, resource users, and landowners.
The Fondo para la Acción Ambiental y la Niñez, in its role as secretariat of Environmental Trust Fund Network in Latin America (RedLAC), will organize and host together with Foreever Costa Rica Association, the 15th Annual General Assembly of the RedLAC in San Jose, Costa Rica on November 4-7, 2013. The gathering will attract the network’s members, key private and public donors and experts on innovative financial mechanisms and highlight lessons learned and future approaches in impact investing and the participation of the private sector in conservation and sustainable development financing.
Fondo para la Acción Ambiental y la Niñez currently serves as the executive secretariat of RedLAC, the Latin American Network of environmental funds. In this role FPAA coordinates RedLAC’s 14th Assembly, to be held in November 2012 in Lima, Peru. This year’s Assembly will focus on impact monitoring in marine and terrestrial protected areas, innovative mechanisms in conservation finance, and financial performance of environmental funds. FPAA will organize the Assembly’s agenda, issue invitations, and handle all associated programmatic and logistical arrangements. The grant will support lodging, transportation for participants, translation, communication, outreach and other logistical expenses associated with the Assembly.
To build local capacities for climate change adaptation and biodiversity and water conservation in the Colombian Andes (over three years).
To build local capacities for climate change adaptation and biodiversity and water conservation in the Colombian Andes (over three years).
In support of strengthening corporate assistance to conservation in Colombia (over two years).