Total Awarded
2017 - 2023
Florida International University (FIU) is a top-tier public research university committed to learning, research, entrepreneurship, innovation, and creativity so that its graduates are prepared to succeed in a global market. This award supports FIU in a continued joint project with Loyola University of Chicago (Loyola), expanding on the development and use of Prosecutorial Performance Indicators (Indicators). The Indicators are an office management, performance measurement, community engagement, and transparency and accountability tool, measuring performance toward capacity and efficiency; community safety and well-being; and fairness and justice. This award enables the project team to assist prosecutorial offices, including several in Safety and Justice Challenge (SJC) sites, to build data infrastructure and office-wide data culture; develop new or improve existing dashboards to measure progress over time; and examine racial and ethnic disparities.
Florida International University (FIU) is a top-tier public research university committed to learning, research, entrepreneurship, innovation, and creativity so that its graduates are prepared to succeed in a global market. This award supports FIU in a continued joint project with Loyola University of Chicago (Loyola), expanding on the development and use of Prosecutorial Performance Indicators (Indicators). The Indicators are an office management, performance measurement, community engagement, and transparency and accountability tool, measuring performance toward capacity and efficiency; community safety and well-being; and fairness and justice. This award enables the project team to provide research and technical assistance to 10 prosecutorial offices, including four Safety and Justice Challenge (SJC) sites. The work is carried out in close partnership with local research/policy organizations and community groups in the following areas: building office-wide data capacity and culture, developing public-facing dashboards, conducting racial disparities analyses, and engaging with communities affected by crime and the criminal system.
Florida International University (FIU) is a top-tier public research university committed to learning, research, entrepreneurship, innovation, and creativity so that its graduates are prepared to succeed in a global market. The award supports FIU in a joint project with Loyola University Chicago to work with eight prosecutorial offices, including six Safety and Justice Challenge Network jurisdictions, in the following areas: (1) data collection and analytics; (2) building internal capacity for using data to implement reforms; (3) effectively addressing racial and ethnic disparities; and (4) tailoring prosecutorial performance indicators produced under a prior award to their jurisdiction. The project provides assistance to county prosecutor offices in developing data and analytical capacity to improve performance management, establish evidence-based practices, and promote transparency and accountability in their policies and practices.
Florida International University (FIU) is a top-tier public research university, located in Miami, committed to learning, research, entrepreneurship, innovation, and creativity so that its graduates are prepared to succeed in a global market. The award supports FIU in a joint project with Loyola University Chicago to work with four prosecutorial offices, including two Safety and Justice Challenge jurisdictions, in four areas: (1) data collection and analytics; (2) internal and external reporting; (3) racial and ethnic disparities; and (4) performance indicators. The project emerged in response to requests from recently elected prosecutors for assistance in developing data and analytical capacity to improve performance management, establish evidence-based practices, and promote transparency and accountability in their offices.