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Evanston, Illinois


2024 ( 2 months)

FirstRepair works with entities around the country to advance local reparations policy by sharing best practices, amplifying existing research, and hosting workshops and symposiums. Founded by former Evanston alderperson, Robin Rue Simmons, FirstRepair is credited as the architect of the first tax-funded, local reparations program in the United States. This X-Grant supports FirstRepair's fourth National Symposium on State and Local Reparations, which attracts leaders from across the country interested in enacting reparations in their communities. 

2022 ( 6 months)

Founded in 2021, FirstRepair is a nonprofit organization based in Evanston, Illinois dedicated to sharing best practices and creating tools to develop a viable model for advancing local reparations policy. During 2023, FirstRepair plans a series of convenings in support of local reparations policies in several localities. FirstRepair, using the documentary film The Big Payback which follows the movement for reparations in Evanston, aims to spark conversation around reparative efforts nationally and illustrate specific challenges and strategies at the local level.