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Firelight Foundation

Santa Cruz, California


2016 (1 year)

The International Education Funders Group (IEFG), a project of the Firelight Foundation, is an affinity group of 90 foundations, charities, and donor-advised funds. The IEFG’s mandate is to promote the exchange of information, provide co-learning opportunities, enhance the alignment of strategies, and support global education initiatives where appropriate. The IEFG holds semiannual meetings to encourage collaboration opportunities and to share learnings among peer foundations with an ultimate goal of informing funding practice both within and outside of the IEFG community. The IEFG is where donors turn in order to remain informed of global education trends and locate experienced colleagues who can assist with information, expertise, and advice on beginning or expanding education programming. This award advances strategic interests in building a knowledge-sharing network to better inform grantmaking and leverage partnerships for greater impact. Award funds will help to ensure financial stability as the secretariat expands and will assist in implementation of the new strategic plan.

2014 (3 years)

A project of Firelight Foundation, the International Education Funders Group’s (IEFG) helps private funders in education have a stronger voice and to be a catalytic force in the field of global education. Support will assist the affinity group to inform donors about global education trends and help to connect them with experienced colleagues who can assist with education programming.