Total Awarded
2017 - 2018
Established in 1986, the Evanston Community Foundation is a public foundation dedicated to building an inclusive and thriving community in Evanston, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago. Its programs focus on strengthening the capacity of nonprofit organizations, enhancing the skills of civic leaders, and increasing collaboration between local organizations. With this award, the Evanston Community Foundation draws on knowledge gained in race and equity trainings to develop policies for the Foundation that align its mission with an equity lens.
Evanston Community Foundation was established in 1986. Its mission is to help Evanston thrive as a vibrant, just, and inclusive community. The Evanston Community Foundation seeks to apply a racial equity lens to its work. With this award, it assesses the foundation’s staffing, operations, and grantmaking from this lens and holds a customized a training on racial equity for the foundation’s staff and board.