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European Leadership Network

London, United Kingdom


2022 (2 years 3 months)

The European Leadership Network (ELN) works to advance the idea of a cooperative and cohesive Europe, and to develop collaborative European capacity to address the pressing foreign, defense, and security policy challenges of our time. This award supports ELN’s efforts to structure, enhance, expand, and permanently sustain the pipeline for new talent and ideas from wider Europe on nuclear issues. The intended outcomes of this award are to improve the quality, impact, and representativeness of the international debate on these issues and integrate them better with other priority policy areas of concern.

2020 (2 years)

Founded in 2011, the European Leadership Network (ELN) builds better security for wider Europe through its research, publications, events, practical policy recommendations, media reach, and high-level networks. The award is in support of general operations. The intended outcome of this award is to build greater capacity within ELN to support its mission to develop collaborative European capacity to address foreign, defense, and security policy challenges, including addressing nuclear risk in Europe.

2019 ( 5 months)

The European Leadership Network (ELN) works to advance the idea of a cooperative and cohesive Europe and to develop collaborative European capacity to address the pressing foreign, defense, and security policy challenges of our time. With this award, ELN will conduct analysis on the P5 Process (meetings involving the five Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) nuclear-weapons states: China, France, United Kingdom, United States, and Russia) over the past 10 years and develop practical, politically feasible recommendations to guide the P5 governments as they approach the 2020 Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference. Intended outcomes include identification of pragmatic opportunities for P5 governments to pursue, and fresh momentum going into the 2020 NPT Review Conference.

2018 ( 7 months)

The European Leadership Network works to advance the idea of a cooperative and cohesive Europe and to develop collaborative European capacity to address the pressing foreign, defense, and security policy challenges. This award supports a virtual hub of European expertise on the Iran nuclear deal (JCPOA). It supports activities such as meetings, research, and publications that address the purpose of the JCPOA and generate initial recommendations for salvaging the JCPOA’s non-proliferation benefits in case the deal falls apart in the wake of U.S. withdrawal.

2018 (2 years)

The European Leadership Network (ELN) works to advance the idea of a cooperative and cohesive Europe and to develop collaborative European capacity to address the pressing foreign, defense, and security policy challenges of our time. The award is in support of general operations. The intended outcome of this award is to build greater capacity within ELN to support its mission, including addressing nuclear risk in Europe.