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Erie Neighborhood House

Chicago, Illinois


2009 (1 year)

To fund a study tour that links Chicago's Mexican immigrants with communities in Guanajuato, Mexico.

2009 (1 year)

To fund a study tour that links Chicago's Mexican immigrants with communities in Guanajuato, Mexico.

1998 (2 years)

To prepare a comprehensive organizational development plan.

1995 (1 year)

To support Pathways to Success, a career preparation and training program that seeks to increase the employability of West Town residents in selected manufacturing and financial service sectors.

1992 (1 year)

To support Pathways to Success, a career preparation and training program that seeks to increase the employability of West Town residents in selected manufacturing and financial service sectors (over two years).

1991 (1 year)

To support the Leadership Development Institute of the River West Reclamation Project (formerly the Chicago Neighborhood Experiment).

1990 (1 year)

To support the Chicago Neighborhood Experiment.