Total Awarded
2012 - 2015
EcoAdapt convenes a diverse group of practitioners to reshape planning and management in response to climate change. With founding support from MacArthur, EcoAdapt created the National Adaptation Forum, a biennial gathering of practitioners from across the United States. The Forum contributes towards building the field of climate adaptation through practitioners sharing knowledge and integrating adaptation efforts across sectors. This award supports planning and implementation of the 2017 Forum, with dedicated funding for travel awards to enable broad participation.
EcoAdapt seeks to create a robust future in the face of climate change by bringing together diverse players in the conservation, policy, science, and development communities to reshape planning and management in response to rapid climate change. The grant will support the implementation of the 2015 National Adaptation Forum. This grant will support a percentage of registration and travel costs in order to ensure adequate geographic and sectoral representation and participation at the Forum.
EcoAdapt seeks to create a robust future in the face of climate change by bringing together diverse players in the conservation, policy, science, and development communities to reshape planning and management in response to rapid climate change. The grant will support planning activities for the 2015 National Adaptation Forum. The grant will allow EcoAdapt to hire a comprehensive event planner and communications firm to coordinate event planning and envision a longer-term plan for engaging participants and developing subsequent events. This grant aligns with MacArthur’s US Climate Adaptation Initiative by building a national network of individuals with improved capacity to help society adapt to climate change.
EcoAdapt builds the field of adaptation by making climate change adaptation capacity and resources more accessible. EcoAdapt, along with partners, will create and implement the first National Adaptation Forum. EcoAdapt will design an agenda that will lead participants through the adaptation process - from problem identification to planning to implementation and evaluation. The purpose is to provide a forum to support and engage practitioners in the development and implementation of adaptation strategies. Fiscal constraints currently limit travel for state, local and tribal employees. This grant will support a percentage of registration and travel costs in order to ensure adequate geographic and sectoral representation and participation.