Total Awarded
2016 - 2020
Echoing Green is a nonprofit, early-stage funder of emerging social entrepreneurs globally. For 30 years, the organization has worked at the intersection of social justice and social innovation, investing in promising leaders globally in order to drive real, lasting change, particularly in underserved communities where proximate leaders often have the best solutions but inadequate support. This grant provides general support for Echoing Green and the expanded activities it intends to pursue with contributions raised through a new, internal Racial Equity Philanthropic Fund. Collectively, the Foundation’s grant and other contributions to the Racial Equity Philanthropic Fund should enable Echoing Green to squarely address the inequities and social challenges that have been exacerbated by the twin crises of COVID-19 and racial injustice. Through increased support for hundreds of diverse social sector innovators and leaders, continued thought and field leadership, and engagement with thousands of young adults and corporate employees, Echoing Green aims to fuel racial healing and advance a just, equitable recovery.
Echoing Green (EG), a global nonprofit whose flagship program identifies and supports emerging entrepreneurs who are establishing social change organizations, works across geographies, sectors and social enterprise models. The grant supports a project to study the capital needs of start-up social entrepreneurs, drawing upon data from for-profit businesses that have been launched with EG. Outputs will include: (1) a report that analyzes the capital needs of EG-supported social entrepreneurs, identifies their critical financing challenges and recommends potential solutions; and, (2) a roadmap for EG to create a capital accelerator program for its Fellows. EG intends to broadly share the findings and recommendations through an industry convening.