Total Awarded
2008 - 2012
Established in 2002, the East Asia Institute (EAI) is an independent think-tank based in Seoul, Korea, dedicated to developing ideas and formulating policy recommendations on the main challenges facing the region. This project would address East Asia’s middle powers and their roles in reconfiguring the hub-and-spoke model of bilateral alliances in the region. It would examine the role of middle powers in the context of United States-China relations. Funds would be used for partial staff salaries, conferences, travel, and publications. This fits into our Asia Security Initiative (ASI) grantmaking strategy to strengthen stability in the Asia-Pacific region.
The East Asia Institute is an independent think tank, established in 2002 to develop ideas and policy recommendations to address the main strategic challenges in the Northeast Asian region. EAI conducts research (often in partnership with Northeast Asian think tanks), hosts a young scholars’ research program, and has an active agenda of public seminars and publications. This grant provides support for EAI-led research on the prospects for the U.S. -- R.O.K. alliance, and new directions for South Korea’s policies toward its neighbors in the region. The grant would provide funding for policy research activities involving think tanks throughout Northeast Asia and the U.S.
In support of an Asian Security Initiative core institution (over three years).