Total Awarded
2010 - 2020
DuPage Children’s Museum of Greater Chicago (the Museum) provides hands-on exploration and learning experiences that integrate science, math, and art to children up to ten years of age, their caregivers, and early childhood educators. The Museum began its work by bringing exhibits to communities in DuPage County in the back of a station wagon; it now has over 17,000 square feet of interactive exhibits, educational, and administrative space in downtown Naperville, a western suburb of Chicago. This award is a final, Arts and Culture general operating grant.
The DuPage Children’s Museum (Museum) stimulates the development of children from birth to age 10 by integrating the arts, science and math in an open-ended, experiential learning environment. The Museum that began by bringing exhibits to communities in DuPage County in the back of a station wagon now has an award-winning facility in downtown Naperville, a western suburb of Chicago. It serves more than 300,000 visitors annually. This grant supports critical operational needs such as exhibit creation, education programs, outreach activities, and facility and staffing expenses. The Foundation is recommending an additional one-time emergency grant to address damage caused by a burst water pipe in January of 2015.