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Council for Basic Education

Washington, D.C.


1999 (1 year)

To support a conference to promote the implementation of academic standards in public schools.

1995 (2 years 8 months)

To rationalize national voluntary content standards for student learning.

1995 ( 2 months)

To support an independent panel to make recommendations about new standards for the teaching of American and world history in U.S. schools.

1994 (1 year)

To prepare, publish, and distribute a paper describing the successful process through which Chicago established its Learning Outcome Standards for students and created a guide that can be used by teachers to construct curricula, lesson plans, and assessments aligned with these standards.

1994 (1 year)

To support collaboration with the Milwaukee Public Schools to define content standards.

1993 (1 year)

To support the Chicago Learning Outcome Standards Project, a joint effort of the Council for Basic Education, Chicago Public Schools, and the Chicago Teachers Union, to help teachers, schools, and the system as a whole change curricula and instruction.

1991 (1 year)

To revise and complete a manuscript presenting recommendations for goals and standards of elementary education in the United States.

1987 (1 year)

To prepare, with a plan for dissemination, a report on performance and learning standards for students graduating from elementary schools, ways of assessing performance and learning against those standards, and the implications for school curricula, organization, pedagogy, and testing.