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Community Board

Miami, Florida


2020 ( 11 months)

The Community Board, LLC is the home of the Documentary Community Board (the Board), a new independent coalition that will establish a representative body of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) filmmakers, impact producers, and film professionals engaged in culture shift and advocacy efforts within the documentary film field. This award supports the Board’s initial phase: mapping of current efforts and pursuing cross-community initiatives; identifying opportunities to advocate on behalf of filmmakers of color whom have experienced harassment within the field; informing solutions for equity and accountability by curating qualitative and quantitative data that reinforces the contributions of BIPOC filmmakers; and providing feedback on institutional accountability processes that mitigate the risk of emotional harm and career damage due to individual self-advocacy. The intended outcomes of this grant are mapping the current culture shift interventions across the industry, developing an entity that collectively intervenes on behalf of filmmakers of color and engages in institutional accountability efforts.