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Comision Mexicana de Defensa y Promocion de los Derechos Humanos

Mexico City, Mexico
  • Grants
  • Total Awarded
  • Years
    2002 - 2019
  • Categories
    Human Rights


2019 (2 years 2 months)

Comisión Mexicana para la Defensa y Promoción de los Derechos Humanos Humanos is dedicated to advance democracy through human rights promotion and advocacy, and strategic litigation. The award supports the Commission’s contribution to improving the accountability of Mexico’s National Prosecutor’s Office in investigating human rights abuses. The award supports case litigation, victim support, and documentation of gross human rights abuses to provide evidence of patterns of abuse across regions during given time periods. Understanding patterns of abuse is essential to developing a national crime prosecution strategy, a core element of a functional National Prosecutor’s Office.

2018 (1 year 10 months)

Comisión Mexicana para la Defensa y Promoción de los Derechos Humanos is dedicated to advance democracy through human rights promotion and advocacy, and strategic litigation. The award supports Comisión’s contribution to the planning process of the new National Prosecutor’s Office through the development of technical proposals addressing the Prosecutor’s Office’s role in investigating human rights abuses. The award also supports cross-referencing hundreds of human rights cases in order to identify patterns of abuse, based on Comisión’s extensive case documentation and analysis made possible by the Case Matrix Network’s Human Rights Documentation Database. Understanding patterns of abuse is essential to developing a national crime prosecution strategy, a core element of a functional National Prosecutor’s Office.

2015 (3 years 7 months)

The Observatorio Ciudadano del Sistema de Justicia (the Citizens' Observatory of the Justice System) is a watchdog body dedicated to monitoring Mexico's justice reform to ensure that human rights and due process guarantees are incorporated into the operation of the new criminal justice system. It combines data analysis, in-court monitoring, communications, and engagement with government authorities to promote these objectives throughout justice reform implementation, with a particular emphasis on investigation protocols and evidentiary standards. The three Foundation grantees that constitute the Observatory are: Asistencia Legal por los Derechos Humanos, Comision Mexicana para la Defensa y Promoci6n de los Derechos Humanos, and Instituto de Justicia Procesal Penal.

2015 (3 years 2 months)

The Comision Mexicana para la Defensa y Promo cion de los Derechos Humanos is a Mexican human rights organization with substantial expertise in litigation and assistance to victims of human rights abuses. It conducts research and advocacy in emblematic cases of grave human rights violations and provides psycho-social accompaniment to victims and their family members. The award supports the Comision to raise the visibility of rights violations and the opportunities for access to justice and redress. Activities include pressing for greater due process by public prosecutors at federal and state levels, increasing expertise in these institutions in the documentation and investigation of serious violations (including torture, summary executions, and enforced disappearances), and litigating cases before national and international mechanisms with a view toward transforming current policies in the interests of achieving full reparations and redress to victims. Funds finance attorney salaries and travel to states in Mexico and abroad.

2012 (3 years)

This project funds the establishment of a new organization, the Citizens’ Observatory of the Criminal Justice System, the first civil society entity dedicated to monitoring Mexico’s eight-year reform of its justice system. The Observatory will help ensure that human rights and due process guarantees are incorporated in the operation of the justice system. The project will contribute to improved justice system practices in the areas of the provision of adequate defense, use of pre-investigative detention, alternatives to pretrial detention, and judicial oversight.

2012 (3 years)

The Mexican Commission for the Defense and Promotion of Human Rights works to improve access to justice in Mexico. This project will help the Commission to establish the role and rights of victims and work to improve other aspects of oral trials in Mexico. The project supports the protection of due process and human rights guarantees under Mexico’s 2008 criminal justice reform.

2007 (3 years)

To support litigation on human rights in Mexico (over three years).

2006 (1 year)

In support of the implementation of the International Criminal Court in Mexico.

2004 (3 years)

For activities to strengthen human rights in Mexico (over three years).

2002 (2 years)

To promote international human rights standards in Mexican law and institutions (over two years).