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Climate Jobs National Resource Center

New York, New York


2023 (3 years)

Climate Jobs National Resource Center (CJNRC) is united around a shared goal of combating climate change while reversing income inequality. The mission of CJNRC is to advocate for a clean energy economy at the scale climate science demands, create good union jobs, and support more equitable communities. CJNRC works with unions across the United States to form their own state-based Climate Jobs coalitions to address the growing climate crisis and the rising economic disparities by creating family-sustaining clean energy jobs. The award supports general operations.

2020 (3 years)

Climate Jobs National Resource Center (CJNRC) is united around a shared goal of combating climate change while reversing income inequality. The mission of CJNRC is to advocate for a clean energy economy at the scale climate science demands, create good union jobs, and support more equitable communities. CJNRC works with unions across the United States to form their own state-based Climate Jobs coalitions to address the growing climate crisis and the rising economic disparities by creating family-sustaining clean energy jobs. The award supports general operations.