Total Awarded
2016 - 2023
CLASP is an international non-profit whose mission is to expand access to clean energy, mitigate and adapt to climate change, and improve appliance and equipment efficiency. CLASP has been recognized globally for its efforts to transition grid-connected appliances towards higher levels of efficiency, effectively expanding the benefits of appliances for all. This award enables CLASP to build capacity of and empower state-level civil society organizations (CSOs) to work on energy efficiency and other clean energy technologies, thereby enhancing livelihoods and resilience outcomes. CLASP empowers these organizations to build a bold and locally inclusive vision for energy transition from an energy demand perspective. Additionally, it helps CSOs enhance their operational strategies, improve implementation capacity, develop improved processes, and increase their ability to secure funding for their missions. This award renews the Foundation’s previous support to CLASP that focused on technical assistance to the Government of India on standards, labeling, and other measures to promote appliance efficiency.
CLASP is an international nonprofit whose mission is to accelerate the transition to a more sustainable world by improving the energy and environmental performance of appliances and equipment. CLASP is considered a leading international voice and resource for appliance energy efficiency policies and market transformation initiatives, with a strong track record of work in over 100 countries on the subject. This award enables CLASP to build and strengthen capacities of two big public sector entities to expand and deepen the Government of India’s Standards and Labeling (S&L) program with the objective of establishing energy efficiency standards for appliances with high energy-saving and carbon emission reduction potential. In addition, it allows CLASP to support designated agencies in a cluster of Indian states to establish and deploy context-appropriate compliance frameworks for more effective implementation of the S&L program.
The Collaborative Labeling and Appliance Standards Program (CLASP) is a leading global nonprofit organization engaged in developing and sharing practical and transformative policy and market solutions for improved energy performance of electrical appliances and related systems. In India, CLASP closely collaborates with the Bureau of Energy Efficiency, which is under the Government of India’s Ministry of Power, and the Energy Efficiency Services Limited, a joint venture of public sector companies, to design and implement energy efficiency policies for electrical appliances. As India pushes ahead with its ambitious programs on energy efficiency, this award provides decision makers in these institutions with support to develop appropriate pathways to expand and deepen the coverage of the government’s national program on standards and labeling of energy efficiency on electrical appliances.