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Civil Society Legislative Advocacy Centre

Abuja, Nigeria


2021 (3 years 6 months)

Civil Society Legislative and Advocacy Centre (CISLAC) is a Nigerian nonprofit promoting active civil-society monitoring and advocating for legislative accountability. This award promotes the institutionalization of anti-corruption efforts in select Nigerian states using the context of the 2023 elections to advocate for accountability, gender equity, and social inclusion in election discourse and to mobilize public support. CISLAC works with eight sub-grantees across Nigeria’s six geopolitical zones to mobilize state-level actors and citizen groups; foster dialogue between citizen groups and political parties and their candidates; and organize public sensitization programs on the cost of corruption and priority anti-corruption policy reforms. This award is part of an election accountability package of awards to bring attention to anti-corruption and accountability issues during the 2023 elections and beyond, and to strengthen community and marginalized voices in accountability and anti-corruption in Nigeria. It contributes to On Nigeria’s goal of reducing corruption and strengthening accountability, transparency, and participation.

2020 ( 3 months)

Civil Society Legislative Advocacy Centre (CISLAC) is a not-for-profit legislative advocacy, information-sharing, and research organization. This award supports CISLAC’s coordination of education and advocacy efforts to draw policymakers’ attention to the need for a sustainable protection framework for Almajiri (young migrant Qur’anic school students) during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

The expected outcome is that policymakers and the public are better informed about the plight of the Almajiri and the need for a better protection framework.

2017 (3 years 6 months)

Civil Society Legislative and Advocacy Centre (CISLAC) is a Nigerian nonprofit promoting active civil society monitoring and advocating for legislative accountability. This award enables CISLAC to promote legislative accountability and advocate for reforms to improve public sector accountability rules in Nigeria. CISLAC is analyzing investigative corruption reports to raise awareness among legislators on accountability gaps in the public sector and to advocate for reforms. It is holding convenings to foster collaboration among citizens, legislators, and the media on anti-corruption efforts. The project contributes to laying a foundation for new atmosphere of accountability, transparency, and good governance in Nigeria.

2016 (3 years)

Civil Society Legislative Advocacy Centre (CISLAC) is a Nigerian nonprofit promoting transparency and accountability, respect for human rights, and good governance through research, legislative advocacy, and networking. Previous support to CISLAC aimed to reduce maternal mortality in Nigeria by improving accountability in the use of health allocations and oversight by the legislature. As a result, there was increased collaboration in civil society and demand for accountability in the health sector. This renewal assists CISLAC to continue to engage with the state legislatures for more effective budget oversight, community mobilization, and policy advocacy to keep maternal health issues a priority for policymakers in the state. This final award is part of the maternal health accountability portfolio in Nigeria and is expected to provide evidence of how accountability mechanisms can contribute to improving maternal health outcomes and reducing the maternal mortality burden.

2013 (3 years 2 months)

This project aims to increase government accountability and contribute to the reduction of maternal mortality and morbidity in four states through (a) strengthening legislative oversight (e.g., public hearings, and promoting dialogue between the executive and the legislative branches) and (b) increasing civil society and media action (e.g., training of legislative reporters and CSO monitoring of health services).