Total Awarded
2006 - 2013
The Children and Youth Justice Center is a Seattle-based, non-profit organization dedicated to the reform of the juvenile justice and child welfare systems. It has served as the lead entity for Models for Change in Washington since the Foundation’s juvenile justice reform initiative began its work in the state, in 2006. The Center will use this grant to complete its work as the Washington lead entity and establish a stable and secure foundation to advance juvenile justice reform in the state the future.
The Center for Children and Youth Justice is a Seattle-based, non-profit organization dedicated to the reform of the juvenile justice and child welfare systems. It has served as the lead entity for Models for Change in Washington since the Foundation’s juvenile justice reform initiative began working there in 2006. It will use this grant to ensure that progress made under the initiative is sustained and to document its results.
In support of activities as the lead entity for Washington Models for Change (over three years).
In support of acting as a lead entity for the Models for Change initiative in Washington State (over two years).
In support of activities as the lead entity coordinating efforts to improve juvenile justice in Washington state.