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Chicago Women In Trades

Chicago, Illinois
  • Grants
  • Total Awarded
  • Years
    1990 - 2001
  • Categories
    Policy Research


2001 (2 years)

To improve workforce development practice and policy in the Chicago area (over two years).

2000 (1 year)

To support research, advocacy, and policy work to help women gain access to high-wage, nontraditional employment.

1998 (1 year)

To support strategic planning.

1996 (3 years)

To support local and national research and policy initiatives (over three years).

1993 (3 years)

In support of general operations and to implement the Worksite 2000 recommendations (over three years).

1993 (1 year)

To support technical assistance services.

1990 (1 year)

To support the public policy research and development project related to women in the blue-collar trades (over two years).