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Chicago Opera Theater

Chicago, Illinois


2022 (1 year)

Founded in 1973, Chicago Opera Theater (COT) has staged over 150 operas, including 78 Chicago premieres and 45 operas by American composers. In addition to its mainstage productions, COT’s Vanguard Initiative trains emerging opera composers, invests in the creation of new opera at various stages of the creative process, and creates opportunities for Chicago audiences to become part of the development of new work. With this award, COT engages with a consultant to build its Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiative.

2019 (1 year)

Chicago Opera Theater (COT) presents operas that have not previously been produced in Chicago, with an emphasis on American works by living composers. Over the past four decades, COT has developed a reputation for innovative performances, community outreach, and affordability. This award recommends renewed general operating support to COT.

2015 (4 years)

The Chicago Opera Theater, founded in 1974, presents modern operas and underperformed pieces by well-known composers. It performs three full operas at the Harris Theater each year for an audience of 6,000. It is recognized for its inventive approaches to opera, affordability, and community outreach, which includes Opera for All, an elementary in-school program that reaches more than 1,000 students yearly. A MacArthur Award recognizes organizations that have excellent programs, that are well-managed, and that are at an inflection point, where they are likely to grow either in size or influence. The Chicago Opera Theater will allocate most of the award to an operating cash reserve; remaining funding will be used to conduct a market study and a strategic plan.

2014 (5 years)

The Chicago Opera Theater presents modern operas and underperformed pieces by well-known composers. Over the past four decades Chicago Opera Theater has developed a reputation for innovative performances, community outreach, and affordability. Chicago Opera Theater produces three full scale operas with four performances each for the main stage during its season. The special one-time support in the first year will address costs incurred as a result of the venue’s cancellation and rescheduling of the three remaining performances for "Queenie Pie." The general operations grant will be used to support related activities including artistic and education initiatives.

2009 (5 years)

In support of general operations (over five years).

2004 (5 years)

In support of general operations (over five years).

2002 (1 year)

To support a reserve fund to meet the challenges presented by the Millennium Park facility.

2002 (2 years)

In support of general operations (over two years).

1999 (1 year)

In support of general operations.

1998 (3 years)

To support a series of one-hour operas to be created and performed in Chicago communities (over three years).

1995 (1 year)

In support of general operations.

1994 (1 year)

In support of general operations.

1993 (1 year)

To support organizational strategic planning.

1992 (1 year)

To support board development and long-range planning efforts.

1992 (1 year)

In support of general operations.

1991 (1 year)

In support of general operations.

1991 (1 year)

To support deficit reduction.

1990 (1 year)

To support a national search conducted by Management Consultants for the Arts to fill the position of general manager.

1989 (1 year)

A technical assistance grant to support the Athenaeum Theatre Feasibility Fund.

1988 (2 years 1 month)

In support of general operations (over three years).

1987 (1 year)

A technical assistance grant to support costs associated with the installation of a computer system.

1986 (1 year 3 months)

In support of general operations.

1984 (1 year)

In support of general operations.

1984 (1 year)

To support a planning document.

1983 (1 year)

In support of general operations.

1982 (1 year)

In support of general operations.

1981 (1 year)

In support of general operations.

1980 (1 year)

In support of general operations.

1980 (1 year)

In support of general operations.