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Center for the Next Generation

San Francisco, California


2014 (1 year)

The Center for the Next Generation (“Next Generation”) promotes solutions that address climate change through the use of non-partisan research, policy development and strategic communications. While climate and weather disasters cost Americans more than $110 billion in 2012, those costs are not evenly spread across regions, sectors, or demographic groups. The proposed grant will support the dissemination of new research that details the economic risks climate change poses on a range of sectors within the U.S. economy. With this research, Next Generation seeks to help shift the national climate change discussion toward informed, risk-based decision-making within the business community by deploying a new set of credible messengers armed with robust economic risk analysis. The initiative to undertake this research and then deliver its findings convincingly will be led by former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, former U.S. Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson, and Tom Steyer, who will be joined by other prominent political and business leaders from across the United States. Grant funds would support a nationwide economic risk assessment of key sectors of the economy and a robust communications strategy to disseminate those findings.