Total Awarded
2001 - 2016
The Center for Health and Gender Equity will promote strategic advocacy on high-quality, respectful maternal health care in the Global South by: helping to improve coordination among groups working on the topic; promoting exchanges between experts from the Global South and U.S.-based policy makers and opinion leaders; and working towards increased support and improved integration of the U.S. government’s global health policies and programs with respect to maternal health.
In support of maternal health advocacy (over three years).
In support of general operations (over three years).
In support of activities to strengthen U.S. international policies on reproductive and sexual health (over three years).
To support a network of U.S.-based reproductive health and rights organizations that promote U.S. compliance with the International Conference on Population and Development program of action (over two years).
To support research and advocacy on population policies and the implementation of reproductive health services (over three years).
In support of general operations (over three years).