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Campaign Finance Institute

Washington, D.C.


2016 (2 years)

The Campaign Finance Institute (the Institute) is a Washington-based, nonpartisan, nonprofit organization that gathers and publishes data regarding campaign finance laws, and develops scholarly analyses of campaign finance issues. This two-year grant supports the continuation of the Institute’s core research and publishing activities, a new set of inquiries about approaches to campaign finance, and a new database that tracks changes in every state’s campaign finance laws over time. It also supports a robust program of publication and outreach to lawmakers, journalists, and the general public. The long-term intended outcomes of this work are to make campaign finance reform proposals more effective by grounding them in rigorous research, and to shape the thinking of policy makers, scholars, and other opinion leaders.

2014 (2 years)

The Campaign Finance Institute is a nonprofit organization led by Michael Malbin, Professor of Political Science at the State University of New York at Albany. Consisting of a small network of academic researchers, the Institute produces rigorous, nonpartisan scholarly analyses of the most often recommended tools to offset the influence of money in the political process: disclosure of campaign contributions, campaign contribution limits, and public funding to match small donations. This two-year grant will support CFI’s research and publishing activities, and services to lawmakers, journalists, and the general public.

2012 (2 years)

The Campaign Finance Institute is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization collecting and analyzing a wide range campaign finance reform proposals at the state and federal level. The Institute’s policy analyses have used by legislators, judges, activists, and the media to inform their work, and its research has been the basis for government programs that match small campaign donations by individuals with public funds. This two-year general support grant will allow the Institute to hire additional staff, continue its work analyzing campaign finance disclosure reports in federal and state elections, and to serve scholars, the policy community, journalists, and the general public.