Total Awarded
2016 - 2018
The Bridgespan Group (Bridgespan) is a nonprofit organization that helps mission-driven organizations and philanthropists advance their learning and accelerate their impact. This award builds upon work conducted during a previous grant to advance the True Cost Project (TCP). Bridgespan, working with a consortium of foundations, is facilitating a process to examine the way funders have treated the issue of indirect costs; design and conduct a pilot test to learn more about grantee cost structures; and develop potential solutions to address the underfunding of grantees' indirect costs.
The Bridgespan Group is a nonprofit organization that helps mission-driven organizations and philanthropists advance their learning and accelerate their impact. Working with a consortium of foundations, Bridgespan is facilitating a process to examine and understand the "true" cost structures for grantees; the way funders have treated the issue of indirect costs and overhead, and potential scalable solutions to address the underfunding of grantees' indirect costs.