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Bridges Insights Limited

London, United Kingdom


2019 (3 years)

Bridges Ventures is a leading UK-based impact investment fund manager with £800m in assets under management. Its consulting and advisory arm, Bridges Impact+, engages in research and development activities related to impact investing. Since September 2016, Impact+, has been the facilitator of a cross-industry initiative called the Impact Management Project, which has brought together over 2,000 practitioners from a range of disciplines to agree on widely-shared norms to understand, manage and report the impact of investments on people and the planet. The work of the Impact Management Project is now being continued within Bridges Insights Limited.

This grant supports the third phase of this project, which is facilitating the efforts of a structured network to provide comprehensive guidelines for impact measurement and management for investments. The Impact Management Project enables investments made for impact considerations to become more compelling (so that asset owners want to invest more capital), more transparent (so that the supply of capital is matched more quickly with demand), more realistic (so that supply of capital is matched more appropriately with demand ) and more specific (so that measurement of impact performance is leaner and informs efforts to manage the impact of economic activities).