Total Awarded
1990 - 2008
To build capacity of women's groups in ten countries to translate and adapt women's health resources, and to improve online access to materials in multiple languages (over three years).
To translate and distribute "Our Bodies, Ourselves."
To support technical assistance to groups preparing other-language versions of "Our Bodies, Ourselves," and overseas information dissemination and exchange (over three years).
To support technical assistance to groups preparing other-language versions of "Our Bodies, Ourselves," and overseas information dissemination and exchange (over three years).
To support international health networking and an exchange program (over two years).
To update the resource collection and expand contacts with women's and health organizations around the world.
For start-up costs and additional fundraising for the research, writing, and publication of a handbook for women and women's organizations about AIDS.
To support a planning meeting to develop an international information system on women's health.