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Black Girls Film Camp

Charlotte, North Carolina


2023 (2 years)

Black Girls Film Camp (BGFC) is a new national nonprofit that supports Black girls, ages 13-17, to learn, collaborate, embrace their most authentic selves, construct their own narratives centering on Black girlhood, and engage the public in conversation about issues and topics stemming from their films. Launched in 2021, each year BGFC hosts 10 Black female-identifying high-school students – selected through a rigorous national search and application process – to participate in a 16-week intensive film camp that culminates in each student producing a short film project. The films are presented at film festivals and community events on college campuses and other public locations across the country to spark conversations about issues and events featured in the young women’s films. The goal of BGFC is to advance the media literacies of Black girls, contribute to diversifying the pipeline of creatives in the media and entertainment industries, and engage the public in conversation about issues, ideas, and events of interest to and relevant to lives of young Black women and girls.

2023 ( 3 months)

Black Girls Film Camp (BGFC) is a new national nonprofit that supports Black girls, ages 14-17, to learn, collaborate, embrace their most authentic selves, construct their own narratives centering on Black girlhood, and share their stories with the public through film. Launched in 2021, each year BGFC hosts 10 Black female-identifying high-school students – selected through a rigorous national search and application process – to participate in a 12-week intensive film camp that culminates in each student producing a short film project. The films are shown at film festivals and community events on college campuses and other public locations across the country. The goal of BGFC is to advance the media literacies of Black girls while expanding the pipeline of young Black women able to positively influence stories about and representation of Black girls in the film and media industries. This grant provides project support for BGFC to bring its 2023 teen directors to Charlotte, NC, for a weekend of public workshops and events, including the premiere of the 2023 BGFC films.