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Besa Global

Calgary, Canada
  • Grants
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    On Nigeria


2022 (3 years)

Established in 2008, Besa Global, Inc. (Besa), a social enterprise, partners with Canadian, international, and multilateral organizations in places experiencing conflict and structural or overt physical violence. The organization has a deep commitment to aid effectiveness, accountability, and the need for global solutions. Implemented by Besa, the Corruption Justice and Legitimacy program’s mission is to transform how development and peacebuilding practitioners working in contexts of endemic corruption address the corruption that hinders program outcomes. With this award, the Besa team is conducting research on the interaction of gender, faith-based, and social norms and corruption. The results of the research are intended to help anti-corruption practitioners design and implement more nuanced and targeted interventions that have a greater chance of preventing or reducing corruption. The Besa team is partnering with the Nigerian Economic Summit Group’s Policy Innovation Centre to design and carry out the study. The team plans to disseminate the methodology and results widely within Nigeria and the global anti-corruption and behavior change fields.