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Bernice P. Bishop Museum

Honolulu, Hawaii


2010 (5 years 6 months)

To develop an information infrastructure and modeling tools that advance biodiversity conservation in Melanesia in the face of climate change (over three years).

2006 (2 years 6 months)

To support an assessment of climate change vulnerability of coastal and marine ecosystems in Melanesia (over 18 months).

2001 (3 years)

To update the maps of coral reef species abundance in the Indo-Pacific region (over two years).

1997 (1 year)

To support an alien species database for the Hawaii Biological Survey (over two years).

1994 (1 year)

To support the Hawaii Biological Survey (over three years).

1991 (1 year)

To support the 'Ohi'a Project, an environmental curriculum for use in elementary schools throughout Hawaii, in collaboration with the Moanalua Gardens Foundation (over two years).

1990 (1 year)

To support a joint botanical research project with the National Museum of the Philippines (over three years).

1987 (1 year 1 month)

To support a research workshop on Hawaiian invertebrates and completion of the database regarding Hawaiian insects.

1987 (3 years 1 month)

To develop an environmental education program ('Ohi'a Project) in Hawaii's schools (over four years).