Total Awarded
1992 - 2012
The Bank Information Center coordinates campaigns with civil society around the world to reform investment policies and practices of the World Bank, regional development banks, and other international financial institutions. This grant helps protect ecosystem services in Bolivian and Peruvian watersheds by advocating robust environmental management frameworks and stronger resource rights of indigenous peoples and local communities. BIC will monitor a World Bank-funded road construction project in Bolivia; review gaps in Peru’s current Environmental Impact Assessment process; and strengthen the World Bank’s international standards on social and environmental assessment for investment lending globally.
To enhance the social and environmental performance and accountability of the multilateral development banks (over three years).
To support strategic planning.
To support a meeting of Red Bancos, a Latin American multilateral development-bank monitoring network in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
To support a monitoring program related to the World Bank and the regional development banks (over three years).
To support broader developing-country participation in an NGO consultation on Global Environmental Facilty grantmaking programs.
To support meetings of developing-country NGOs working on multilateral development bank reform focused on the regional Asia Development Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank, and the African Development Bank.
To distribute information on environmental assessments of specific projects by multilateral development banks to international network conservation organizations (over three years).