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Australian National University

Canberra, Australia
  • Grants
  • Total Awarded
  • Years
    1999 - 2013


2013 (2 years)

Founded in 1946, the Australian National University (ANU) is a national asset that connects much of the best Australian thinking, expertise and learning. The ANU’s College of Asia and the Pacific is acknowledged as one of the world’s leading centers for Asian Politics and international relations. This project aims to assess the competitive and cooperative pressures confronting America’s Asian allies, the adaptability of U.S. alliances in the region, and allied perceptions of, and reactions to, evolving U.S. policies in the region. The study will examine intra-alliance factors from an Asian/regional perspective. Funds would be used for partial staff salaries, travel, honoraria, consultants, and publications.

2008 (4 years)

To support policy research on how the United States, its treaty allies and other selected states could integrate their bilateral diplomatic, economic and strategic interaction with multilateral institutions (over three years).

1999 (6 years 8 months)

For "Feminist Analysis of International Dispute Resolution."